Loved this! I also laughed at the line about giving the personality people your mom’s number. And I had the same initial reaction to the exercise - now maybe I’ll give it a shot! thx for the inspiration, and a great read.
I loved reading this, Carlo, and far preferred your warm, open, funny and oh-so-human responses to ChatGPT's. "Can I just give them my mom's number and call it a day?" Spot on regarding those dreaded personality quizzes. Ugh, indeed.
Loved this! I also laughed at the line about giving the personality people your mom’s number. And I had the same initial reaction to the exercise - now maybe I’ll give it a shot! thx for the inspiration, and a great read.
I loved reading this, Carlo, and far preferred your warm, open, funny and oh-so-human responses to ChatGPT's. "Can I just give them my mom's number and call it a day?" Spot on regarding those dreaded personality quizzes. Ugh, indeed.
Thanks for the kind words! I didn't like this exercise at first, but now I think I'd recommend it to anyone seeking clarity on their writer's voice.